Any Day Ballet Beginner Ballet Workshop
Any Day Ballet Weeklong Workshop

Any Day Ballet was first produced as a pre-recorded Beginning Ballet course in response to the early days of lockdowns. It was designed for the beginner adult and took into account that students would be taking this course in their living rooms and bedrooms, so it was focused mostly on Barre work, just a little bit of center floor work, and no traveling steps across the floor. 

We are excited to adapt this course to a week long Ballet workshop, where dancers can get a great foundational introduction of ballet technique at the barre, but also get a chance to learn more allegro steps and traveling steps across the floor. The workshop will start from ground zero and build up a solid foundation for you to start your Ballet journey. It will also include lots of stretching and work on strengthening your CORE.

If you are a beginner, it is important to start at the beginning. The challenge is, it is sometimes hard to find a new beginner ballet class that is just starting when you are ready to start. If you miss the first month of a new beginner Ballet series, you will be at a great disadvantage as that is where so much of the basics are broken down and explained. That is where Any Day Ballet steps in. Once you have completed the Any Day Ballet Workshop, you will have the necessary foundation and should feel confident joining any existing Beginning Ballet class.

We are offering a Workshop for Adults and Teens (ages 13+) which will meet for 2 1/2 hours a day for one week.

And we are also offering a Workshop for Seniors (or anyone who needs a gentler approach or has limitations due to arthritis or other joys of aging). The workshop for Seniors will run for 1 1/2 hours a day for one week. 

The workshops will be taught by ADI director Elizabeth Chayer, who teaches with incredible attention to detail. Take a free sample class with Elizabeth at this link to see if her style of instruction works for you. 

Warm regards,

Elizabeth Chayer, Director

Any Day Ballet

American Dance Institute 

Register For This Workshop Here

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