That’s me in the photo when I opened my first studio at 8001 Greenwood Avenue North in 1990. It seemed like only yesterday when I taught my first dance class at the Phinney Ridge Community Center in Spring of 1989. Ed Madeiras was the beloved director then and Ruth MacDonald was then and still is the Executive Administrative Assistant. Twenty Six years later, I am as excited about the future as I was on day one. I’ve built an incredible school and I want to tell the whole world about it. American Dance Institute is so unique, so very special. I hired a world class branding expert, David Brier , to help me explain this to the world and between David, my husband Steve and my wonderful staff we’ve been very busy. The logo was refreshed, all the signage, website, our social marketing presence and most importantly; the mission of the school has been refreshed, in short, the things that make ADI so special and so unique have been polished up like fine silver for the next big party. This is my first blog entry. There will be more to follow as I have so much to share from my heart as a teacher, a small business owner, a mother and wife. I love my ADI families and I love our ADI community.