About American Dance Institute-Magnolia

Dance Classes Magnolia

The American Dance Institute

Magnolia dance studio interior
Your view from our parent's observation room.
American Dance Institute Magnolia school on 32nd Ave West.
Front view of our studio from 32nd Ave.


Our landlord in Magnolia, our next door neighbor, is looking to fill these two positions:

1. An office administrator to assist with the managing of their properties. It is a full/part time position, M-F 10 AM-3 PM paying $20 per hour to start. Please call HB Realty, 2416 32nd Ave W, Seattle, WA 98199, Phone: 206-282-5442 for more information.

2. A handy man to assist with the maintenance of their properties. It is a full/part time position, M-F 10 AM-3 PM paying $20 per hour to start. Please call HB Realty, 2416 32nd Ave W, Seattle, WA 98199, Phone: 206-282-5442 for more information.

Thank you for your interest in our American Dance Institute-Magnolia. Our dance studio is located at 2410 32nd Ave West, Seattle, WA 98199.

Dance classes for Adults, Teens, Children, and Toddlers.

Serving the students of Magnolia, Queen Anne, Ballard, Belltown, and everywhere!

  • Lots of free parking behind the building (where you enter the studio lobby), and on street.
  • Watch you children in class. We feature a large parent observation room. Every week is like recital week.
  • Our teachers a trained and certified to teach. You and or your child will get the most out of each class. 

Our Neighbors are the US Bank, Magnolia Hardware and Magnolia Garden Center

Sign for Magnolia Garden Center near the American Dance Institute Magnolia.

Sign for Magnolia Garden Center near the American Dance Institute Magnolia.

Magnolia Hardware storefront on 32nd Ave West.

Magnolia Hardware storefront on 32nd Ave West and just up the street from the American Dance Institute Magnolia.

We are next door to the US bank in Magnolia.

We are next door to the US bank in Magnolia.

If you'd like to be kept abreast of the latest class offerings and school news, please join our newsletter mailing list here.      We will never spam you.

"Everyone at The American Dance Institute is excited about our new school location in the Magnolia Village!"

Elizabeth Chayer Founder, Director American Dance Institute

For additional questions please call our Greenwood office at 206-783-0755 or email us at adiseattle@americandanceinstitute.com.

Watch Magnolia Dance Students Perform 

In Our 33rd Annual Spring Dance Recital

Adult Dance Classes in Magnolia

Teen, Jr. Teen & Children's Dance Classes

Six spacious dance studios in four Seattle locations, including Greenwood, Wedgwood, Magnolia, and two studios in Shoreline, WA.

Click on any red flag above to learn more about our studio locations.


Does the American Dance Institute Magnolia teach adults, children and toddlers?

Yes we do.

Is the American Dance Institute Magnolia near the Magnolia Ace Hardware and the Magnolia Garden Center?

Yes we are. These establishment landmarks are one ortwo buildings to the North of the American Dance Institute. 

Is there a U.S. Bank next door to the American Dance Institute in Magnolia?

Yes, there is a US Bank branch next door to the American Dance Institute. It is one building South of our studio.

Are there copyright laws protecting choreography taught at dance classes in Magnolia?

Generally no.

Can copyrighted music be legally used during dance classes in the American Dance Institute Magnolia?

Yes, we are licensed with all organizations that collectively licenses the public performance rights of its members' musical works to venues, broadcasters, and digital streaming services (music stores).

Magnolia Chamber of Commerce