American Dance’s Institute’s COVID-19 Guidelines

Health Questionnaire Form

Masks are optional effective, 3/12/22

 **Masks are required for individuals that have tested positive for Covid-19 or have been exposed to Covid-19 for a 10 day period following onset of symptoms, positive test results, or Covid-19 exposure.**

Teachers will be required to wear masks in our Mommy, Daddy, and Me and Creative Dance classes.

For COVID-19 testing locations and resources, visit

Reopening Requirements

Employees, dancers, and parents visiting ADI should:

  • Maintain minimum six-foot separation between other people in all interactions.
  • Wash hands or use hand sanitizer at the beginning of every shift or class.
  • All should bring water bottles from home and drinking fountains should be used to refill bottles. No one should drink directly from fountains.
  • Parents should drop off and pick up dancers outside the studio

ADI Will Provide

  • Disinfecting supplies
  • PPE (Face masks and gloves can be found in the office, but students are encouraged to bring their own.)
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Antibacterial soap and hand washing station

ADI Staff Disinfecting Requirements

  • Cleaning staff and office staff will clean and disinfect bathrooms, doorknobs, and high-touch areas in waiting room regularly.
  • Teachers should wipe down all touched surfaces (barres, fans, mouse, etc.) after their shift or between classes if they have students in the studio with them. Office admins are available to assist.
  • Office staff should wipe down all touched surfaces (keyboard, mouse, light switches, etc.) after their shift.

Screening of Staff and Visitors

All employees and visitors who enter ADI should fill out a Health Questionnaire prior to arriving at the studio. The form will ask the following questions.

  • Have you had contact with anyone that you know has been diagnosed with COVID-19 within the past 14 days? Contact is defined as being within 6 feet for more than 15 minutes with a person or having direct contact with infectious fluids from a person with confirmed COVID-19 (for example being coughed or sneezed on).
  • Have you had a positive-COVID test for active virus in the past 10 days?
  • Do you have of these symptoms that you cannot attribute to another condition? Fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, recent onset of loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea

If an employee or student answers “yes” to any of these questions:

  • They should not come to American Dance Institute for work or class. The Department of Health strongly recommends timely testing, no sooner than 48 hours after exposure.
  • Employee or visitor should not return to ADI for work or class until they have completed their quarantine or isolation period or after 7 days of quarantine and a negative Covid test.
  • The area where the person worked and all surfaces touched by the person should be disinfected.
  • If a staff member or trainer is confirmed to have COVID-19, facility owners should inform staff of their possible exposure but maintain confidentiality as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. The facility owner will instruct employees and trainers how to proceed based on the CDC Public Health Recommendations for Community-related Exposure.