Instructor Sarah Seder

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​Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Musical Theater, Creative Movement

Sarah's Bio

Sarah Seder teaches ballet, jazz, creative movement, musical theater dance and tap throughout the greater Seattle area.

She is a graduate of Bard College in New York, where she majored in dance and psychology in 2007.

She is a choreographer/dancer/director for Seattle's Sapience Dance Collective and was a founding member of Barrio Flamenco in 2007-2008.

She has worked with local choreographers Aiko Kinoshita, Etienne Cakpo, Maria Gitana, Kristina Dillard, Danny Herter, Dayna Hanson, Victoria Jacobs, Ariella Brown, Lilah Steece and Amy Weaver.

In addition to teaching and working with her modern dance collective, Sarah loves to climb mountains, swing dance and sing.
